Anne Svenstrup Grant
5 min read
Navigating the Competitive World of Translation
What does the future hold for translators in a time of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Translation (MT)?
Anne Svenstrup Grant
3 min read
Hvordan gør jeg danskundervisningen motiverende?
Jeg befinder mig i lidt af en personlig og professionel udvikling for tiden. I mit privatliv finder jeg al mere tid til at dyrke yoga og...
Anne Svenstrup Grant
4 min read
Freelancer med imposter-syndrom?
Vi er helt sikkert mange, der kender følelsen af at være utilstrækkelig. At ofte overvurdere andres præstationer, men altid undervurdere os
Anne Svenstrup Grant
3 min read
Staying 'sane' while working remotely!
It takes a bit of self-discipline to work from home and keeping up the motivation can definitely be challenging at times..
Anne Svenstrup Grant
6 min read
How do you learn a new language?
It can seem like an impossible task to learn a new language, but it's all about making it fun and finding a way that works for you :) In...
Anne Svenstrup Grant
2 min read
The joy of Volunteering
It's time for my next blog post and this time about something I really enjoy, i.e. volunteering. Have you ever done a job for free,...
Anne Svenstrup Grant
3 min read
My top 5 travel destinations for the future
It’s been a while since my last blog post and so many things have happened. I’ve been busy translating, writing and teaching, and I got...
Anne Svenstrup Grant
3 min read
To travel really is to live
I pass by the statue of the famous Danish author H.C. Andersen a couple of times a week when I go into the centre of Málaga. And he was...
Anne Svenstrup Grant
2 min read
The globalisation of English
I grew up in Scandinavia and in this part of the world, it’s taken for granted that you speak good English, for example when applying for...
Anne Svenstrup Grant
2 min read
Translation vs. Interpretation – and why are they needed?
Are you feeling confused about the difference between translation and interpretation? I have to, once again, share a TED Talk with you (I...